Acute Aortic Intramural Hematoma


Harris Kevin M.1,Braverman Alan C.1,Eagle Kim A.1,Woznicki Elise M.1,Pyeritz Reed E.1,Myrmel Truls1,Peterson Mark D.1,Voehringer Matthias1,Fattori Rossella1,Januzzi James L.1,Gilon Dan1,Montgomery Daniel G.1,Nienaber Christoph A.1,Trimarchi Santi1,Isselbacher Eric M.1,Evangelista Arturo1


1. From the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, Abbott-Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, MN (K.M.H.); Washington University School of Medicine (A.C.B.), St Louis, MO; University of Michigan (K.A.E., E.M.W., D.G.M.), Ann Arbor, MI; University of Pennsylvania (R.E.P.), Philadelphia, PA; Tromso University Hospital (T.M.), Tromso, Norway; St Michael's Hospital (M.D.P.), Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Robert-Bosch Krankenhaus (M.V.), Stuttgart, Germany; University Hospital S Orsola (R.F.), Bologna, Italy;...


Background— Acute aortic intramural hematoma (IMH) is an important subgroup of aortic dissection, and controversy surrounds appropriate management. Methods and Results— Patients with acute aortic syndromes in the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (1996–2011) were evaluated to examine differences between patients (based on the initial imaging test) with IMH or classic dissection (AD). Of 2830 patients, 178 had IMH (64 type A [42%], 90 type B [58%], and 24 arch). Patients with IMH were older and presented with similar symptoms, such as severe pain. Patients with type A IMH were less likely to present with aortic regurgitation or pulse deficits and were more likely to have periaortic hematoma and pericardial effusion. Although type A IMH and AD were managed medically infrequently, type B IMH were more frequently treated medically. Overall in-hospital mortality was not statistically different for type A IMH compared to AD (26.6% versus 26.5%; P =0.998); type A IMH managed medically had significant mortality (40.0%), although less than classic AD (61.8%; P =0.195). Patients with type B IMH had a hospital mortality that was less but did not differ significantly (4.4% versus 11.1%; P =0.062) from classic AD. One-year mortality was not significantly different between AD and IMH. Conclusions— Acute IMH has similar presentation to classic AD but is more frequently complicated with pericardial effusions and periaortic hematoma. Patients with IMH have a mortality that does not differ statistically from those with classic AD. A small subgroup of type A IMH patients are managed medically and have a significant in-hospital mortality.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Physiology (medical),Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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