Health-Related Quality of Life Among Long-Term Survivors of Stroke


Hackett Maree L.1,Duncan John R.1,Anderson Craig S.1,Broad Joanna B.1,Bonita Ruth1


1. From the Clinical Trials Research Unit, Department of Medicine, The University of Auckland, New Zealand.


Background and Purpose —The consequences of stroke are a major health concern. This study was conducted to compare the health-related quality of life among long-term survivors of stroke with that of the general population. Methods —Our data are taken from a population-based case-control study of all 6-year survivors of stroke with an age- and sex-matched control population. SF-36 mean scores for cases were compared with raw and standardized control and New Zealand norm mean scores. Results —Of the original 1761 registered cases, 639 were still alive at 6-year follow-up, and all of these participated in the study. Case patients were more likely than control subjects to be dependent in all basic activities of daily living. Crude mean scores were lower for women; as age increased; for those living in institutions; when the SF-36 was completed by proxy; and when help was required with the activities of daily living. Cases had statistically lower mean scores than both the control group and New Zealand norms for physical functioning and general health. After standardization for age and sex, no differences were found between cases and controls in mental health and bodily pain. Conclusions —Health-related quality of life appears to be relatively good for the majority of patients 6 years after stroke. Despite significant ongoing physical disability, survivors of stroke appear to adjust well psychologically to their illness.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Advanced and Specialised Nursing,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Clinical Neurology

Reference40 articles.







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