Microcirculation and Macrocirculation in Hypertension: A Dangerous Cross-Link?


Laurent Stephane123ORCID,Agabiti-Rosei Claudia4,Bruno Rosa Maria123ORCID,Rizzoni Damiano5ORCID


1. Université de Paris, France (S.L., R.M.B.).

2. Department of Pharmacology, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, Assistance-Publique Hopitaux de Paris, France (S.L., R.M.B.).

3. INSERM U970, Cardiovascular Research Center-PARCC, Paris, France (S.L., R.M.B.).

4. Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Clinica Medica, University of Brescia, Italy (C.A.-R., D.R.).

5. Division of Medicine, Spedali Civili di Brescia, Montichiari, Italy (D.R.).


Microcirculation and macrocirculation are tightly interconnected into a dangerous cross-link in hypertension. Small artery damage includes functional (vasoconstriction, impaired vasodilatation) and structural abnormalities (mostly inward eutrophic remodeling). These abnormalities are major determinants of the increase in total peripheral resistance and mean blood pressure (BP) in primary hypertension, which in the long term induces large artery stiffening. In turn, large artery stiffening increases central systolic and pulse pressures, which are further augmented by wave reflection in response to the structural alterations in small resistance arteries. Finally, transmission of high BP and flow pulsatility to small resistance arteries further induces functional and structural abnormalities, thus leading to increased total peripheral resistance and mean BP, thus perpetuating the vicious circle. Hyperpulsatility, in addition to higher mean BP, exaggerates cardiac, brain, and kidney damages and leads to cardiovascular, cerebral, and renal complications. The dangerous cross-link between micro and macrocirculation can be reversed into a virtuous one by ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors, sartans, and calcium channel blockers. These three pharmacological classes are more potent than β-blockers and diuretics for reducing arterial stiffness and small artery remodeling. The same ranking was observed for their effectiveness at reducing left ventricular hypertrophy, preserving glomerular filtration rate, and preventing dementia, suggesting that they can act beyond brachial BP reduction, by breaking the micro/macrocirculation vicious circle.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Internal Medicine








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