Overexpression of the Na + /K + ATPase α2 But Not α1 Isoform Attenuates Pathological Cardiac Hypertrophy and Remodeling


Correll Robert N.1,Eder Petra1,Burr Adam R.1,Despa Sanda1,Davis Jennifer1,Bers Donald M.1,Molkentin Jeffery D.1


1. From the Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati, OH (R.N.C., P.E., A.R.B., J.D., J.D.M.); Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cincinnati, OH (J.D.M.); Comprehensive Heart Failure Center, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany (P.E.); and Department of Pharmacology, UC Davis, CA (S.D., D.M.B.).


Rationale: The Na + /K + ATPase (NKA) directly regulates intracellular Na + levels, which in turn indirectly regulates Ca 2+ levels by proximally controlling flux through the Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX1). Elevated Na + levels have been reported during heart failure, which permits some degree of reverse-mode Ca 2+ entry through NCX1, as well as less efficient Ca 2+ clearance. Objective: To determine whether maintaining lower intracellular Na + levels by NKA overexpression in the heart would enhance forward-mode Ca 2+ clearance and prevent reverse-mode Ca 2+ entry through NCX1 to protect the heart. Methods and Results: Cardiac-specific transgenic mice overexpressing either NKA-α1 or NKA-α2 were generated and subjected to pressure overload hypertrophic stimulation. We found that although increased expression of NKA-α1 had no protective effect, overexpression of NKA-α2 significantly decreased cardiac hypertrophy after pressure overload in mice at 2, 10, and 16 weeks of stimulation. Remarkably, total NKA protein expression and activity were not altered in either of these 2 transgenic models because increased expression of one isoform led to a concomitant decrease in the other endogenous isoform. NKA-α2 overexpression but not NKA-α1 led to significantly faster removal of bulk Ca 2+ from the cytosol in a manner requiring NCX1 activity. Mechanistically, overexpressed NKA-α2 showed greater affinity for Na + compared with NKA-α1, leading to more efficient clearance of this ion. Furthermore, overexpression of NKA-α2 but not NKA-α1 was coupled to a decrease in phospholemman expression and phosphorylation, which would favor greater NKA activity, NCX1 activity, and Ca 2+ removal. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the protective effect produced by increased expression of NKA-α2 on the heart after pressure overload is due to more efficient Ca 2+ clearance because this isoform of NKA preferentially enhances NCX1 activity compared with NKA-α1.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Physiology








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