The Spectrum of Transposition of the Great Arteries




1. From the Department of Surgery, The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, and the Departments of Pathology, United Hospitals-Miller Division, St. Paul and the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.


One hundred and sixty five cases of various types of transposition complexes were studied. Based on this and on recent studies of the embryology of the conotruncus, the following observations were made. Regardless of their relations with the ventricles, the semilunar valves may show d -transposition or l -transposition. In the situs solitus heart, the d -type of semilunar transposition is found in the bulboventricular heart, double outlet right ventricle type II, Taussig-Bing malformation, complete transposition of the great arteries, and double outlet left ventricle. This type of transposition of the great arteries results from lack of conotruncal inversion and the differences between the various entities are manifestations of varying degrees of leftward shift of the conoventricular junction and conal absorption. In l -transposition, the conotruncus rotates in the wrong direction. This may occur as an isolated process as in anatomic corrected transposition of the great arteries or with l -looping as in physiologic corrected transposition. Conal absorption and conoventricular shift account for the various entities in each of these two groups of l -transposition. It is proposed that the term transposition of the great arteries should refer only to the mutual interrelationships of the semilunar valves regardless of their ventricular origin.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Physiology (medical),Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Reference40 articles.

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1. Arterial Switch Operation for Complete Levotransposition of the Great Arteries;Annals of Thoracic Surgery Short Reports;2023-09

2. Double Outlet Right Ventricle;Congenital Heart Disease in Pediatric and Adult Patients;2023

3. Transposition of the Great Arteries;Congenital Heart Disease in Pediatric and Adult Patients;2023

4. Transpositions of the great arteries versus aortic dextropositions. A review of some embryogenetic and morphological aspects;The Anatomical Record;2022-12-09

5. Anatomic considerations and examination of cardiovascular specimens (excluding devices);Cardiovascular Pathology;2022







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