Recurrences of Atrial Fibrillation Despite Durable Pulmonary Vein Isolation: The PARTY-PVI Study


Benali Karim1ORCID,Barré Valentin2,Hermida Alexis3ORCID,Galand Vincent2,Milhem Antoine4,Philibert Séverine5ORCID,Boveda Serge6ORCID,Bars Clément7,Anselme Frédéric8ORCID,Maille Baptiste9,André Clémentine10,Behaghel Albin11,Moubarak Ghassan12,Clémenty Nicolas13ORCID,Da Costa Antoine14,Arnaud Marine15ORCID,Venier Sandrine16,Sebag Frédéric17,Jésel-Morel Laurence18,Sagnard Audrey19ORCID,Champ-Rigot Laure20ORCID,Dang Duc21ORCID,Guy-Moyat Benoit22,Abbey Selim23ORCID,Garcia Rodrigue24ORCID,Césari Olivier25,Badenco Nicolas26ORCID,Lepillier Antoine27ORCID,Ninni Sandro28ORCID,Boulé Stéphane29,Maury Philippe30ORCID,Algalarrondo Vincent31,Bakouboula Babé32ORCID,Mansourati Jacques33,Lesaffre François34ORCID,Lagrange Philippe35,Bouzeman Abdeslam36ORCID,Muresan Lucian37ORCID,Bacquelin Raoul38ORCID,Bortone Agustin39ORCID,Bun Sok-Sithikun40,Pavin Dominique2ORCID,Macle Laurent41ORCID,Martins Raphaël P.2ORCID


1. CHU Saint Etienne, University of Rennes, INSERM, LTSI -UMR 1099, Rennes (K.B.).

2. University of Rennes, CHU Rennes, INSERM, LTSI–UMR 1099, Rennes (V.B., V.G., D.P., R.P.M.).

3. CHU d’Amiens, Amiens (A.H.).

4. CH La Rochelle (A.M.).

5. Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris (S.P.).

6. Cardiology-Heart Rhythm Management Department, Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse (S.B.).

7. Clinique Saint-Joseph, Marseille (C.B.).

8. CHU Rouen, Rouen (F.A.).

9. CHU Marseille (B.M.).

10. CHU Bordeaux (C.A.).

11. Clinique Saint-Joseph, Trelazé (A.B.).

12. Clinique Ambroise Paré, Neuilly-Sur-Seine, Paris (G.M.).

13. CHU Tours (N.C.).

14. CHU Saint Etienne (A.D.C.).

15. CHU Nantes (M.A.).

16. CHU Grenoble (S.V.).

17. Rythmologie, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, Paris (F.S.).

18. CHU Strasbourg (L.J.-M.).

19. CHU Dijon (A.S.).

20. CHU Caen (L.C.-R.).

21. CH Aix-en-Provence (D.D.).

22. CHU Limoges (B.G.-M.).

23. Hôpital Privé du Confluent, Nantes (S.A.).

24. CHU Poitiers (R.G.).

25. Clinique Saint-Augustin, Bordeaux (O.C.).

26. Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière, IHU ICAN, Paris (N.B.).

27. Centre Cardiologique du Nord, Saint-Denis (A.L.).

28. CHU Lille (S.N.).

29. Hôpital Privé Le Bois, Lille (S.B.).

30. CHU Toulouse (P.M.).

31. Hôpital Bichat, Unité de Rythmologie, Paris (V.A.).

32. Institut Cardiovasculaire de Strasbourg, Clinique RHENA (B.B.).

33. CHU Brest (J.M.).

34. CHU Reims (F.L.).

35. Clinique St Pierre, Perpignan (P.L.).

36. Hôpital Privé de Parly 2, Le Chesnay-Rocquencourt (A.B.).

37. CH Mulhouse (L.M.).

38. CH Chambéry (R.B.).

39. ELSAN Hôpital Privé Les Franciscaines, Nîmes (A.B.).

40. CHU Nice, France (S.-S.B.).

41. Department of Medicine, Electrophysiology Service at the Montreal Heart Institute, Canada (L.M.).


Background: Recurrences of atrial fibrillation (AF) after pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) are mainly due to pulmonary vein reconnection. However, a growing number of patients have AF recurrences despite durable PVI. The optimal ablative strategy for these patients is unknown. We analyzed the impact of current ablation strategies in a large multicenter study. Methods: Patients undergoing a redo ablation for AF and presenting durable PVI were included. The freedom from atrial arrhythmia after pulmonary vein-based, linear-based, electrogram-based, and trigger-based ablation strategies were compared. Results: Between 2010 and 2020, 367 patients (67% men, 63±10 years, 44% paroxysmal) underwent a redo ablation for AF recurrences despite durable PVI at 39 centers. After durable PVI was confirmed, linear-based ablation was performed in 219 (60%) patients, electrogram-based ablation in 168 (45%) patients, trigger-based ablation in 101 (27%) patients, and pulmonary vein-based ablation in 56 (15%) patients. Seven patients (2%) did not undergo any additional ablation during the redo procedure. After 22±19 months of follow-up, 122 (33%) and 159 (43%) patients had a recurrence of atrial arrhythmia at 12 and 24 months, respectively. No significant difference in arrhythmia-free survival was observed between the different ablation strategies. Left atrial dilatation was the only independent factor associated with arrhythmia-free survival (HR, 1.59 [95% CI, 1.13–2.23]; P =0.006). Conclusions: In patients with recurrent AF despite durable PVI, no ablation strategy used alone or in combination during the redo procedure appears to be superior in improving arrhythmia-free survival. Left atrial size is a significant predictor of ablation outcome in this population.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Physiology (medical),Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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