Residual Neuromuscular Blockade in Critical Care


Wilson Jason1,Collins Angela S.2,Rowan Brea O.3


1. Jason Wilson is a nurse anesthetist and the clinical coordinator of placement of CRNA students in the operating rooms at Princeton Baptist Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama.

2. Angela S. Collins is a clinical professor at Capstone College of Nursing, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and a critical care clinical specialist at Princeton Baptist Medical Center.

3. Brea O. Rowan is a clinical pharmacist in the critical care areas at Princeton Baptist Medical Center.


Neuromuscular blockade is a pharmacological adjunct for anesthesia and for surgical interventions. Neuromuscular blockers can facilitate ease of instrumentation and reduce complications associated with intubation. An undesirable sequela of these agents is residual neuromuscular blockade. Residual neuromuscular blockade is linked to aspiration, diminished response to hypoxia, and obstruction of the upper airway that may occur soon after extubation. If an operation is particularly complex or requires a long anesthesia time, residual neuromuscular blockade can contribute to longer stays in the intensive care unit and more hours of mechanical ventilation. Given the risks of this medication class, it is essential to have an understanding of the mechanism of action of, assessment of, and factors affecting blockade and to be able to identify factors that affect pharmacokinetics.


AACN Publishing


Critical Care Nursing,General Medicine







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