Specific features of endocrine regulation of plastic processes in premature infants and children small for gestational age


Shaydullina M. R.1ORCID,Mansurova A. T.2ORCID


1. Children’s Republic Clinical Hospital; Kazan State Medical University

2. Kazan State Medical University


Low-birthweight and preterm infants have high risk of obesity and obesity-related diseases in the future. This review article identifies risk factors and endocrine biomarkers with greatest predictive value to the metabolic diseases development. Low concentrations of IGF-1 in low-birthweight children are associated with adipogenesis. Low leptin levels may be considered as a biomarker of catch-up growth. Long term programming effects of in utero exposure to leptin extend beyond infancy into early childhood. Adiponectin levels are positively correlated with obesity in early life, but not at ages older than three years. Rapid postnatal growth rate is associated with metabolic syndrome. Conclusion. Specific features of endocrine regulation of growth and dynamics of plastic processes in premature infants and SGA children are associated with excessive accumulation of adipose tissue, which can function as a mechanism for metabolic programming of distant endocrine and cardiometabolic disorders.


The National Academy of Pediatric Science and Innovation


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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