Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma: A rare and aggressive cancer of the oral cavity


Viswanath S. A. M. Dharshan1,Ramya C. V.1,Priyadharshini K. Indra2


1. Intern, Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Vinayaka Mission’s Sankarachariyar Dental College, Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to be University), Salem, Tamil Nadu, India,

2. Associate Professor, Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Vinayaka Mission’s Sankarachariyar Dental College, Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to be University), Salem, Tamil Nadu, India,


Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC) is an uncommon and severe variant of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The tumor arises most commonly in the region of the head-and-neck. It is normally seen in the epiglottis, pyriform fossa, and the base of the tongue. It also occurs less frequently in areas like the palate, buccal mucosa, gingiva and the floor of mouth. Once compared to SCC, BSCC is documented for its aggressiveness in the head-and-neck area, along with its recurrence in local and cervical lymph nodes for its distant metastasis to the lungs. In addition, local lymph nodes are more common in regular recurrence rates. BSCC in the head and neck is more likely to spread to other parts of the body. It has an increased tendency to metastasize when compared with other tumors. We report a rare case of a BSCC arising in the buccal mucosa in a 65-year-old male patient and explain its clinicopathologic characteristics.


Scientific Scholar


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Reference14 articles.

1. Basaloid-squamous carcinoma of the tongue, hypopharynx, and larynx: Report of 10 cases;Wain;Hum Pathol,1986

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3. Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma--a case report;Satish;Int J Dental Clin,2010

4. Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck;Paulino;Laryngoscope,2000







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