Rapid Cloning of Novel Rhesus Adenoviral Vaccine Vectors


Abbink Peter1,Kirilova Marinela1,Boyd Michael1,Mercado Noe1,Li Zhenfeng1,Nityanandam Ramya1,Nanayakkara Ovini1,Peterson Rebecca1,Larocca Rafael A.1,Aid Malika1,Tartaglia Lawrence1,Mutetwa Tinaye1,Blass Eryn1,Jetton David1,Maxfield Lori F.1,Borducchi Erica N.1,Badamchi-Zadeh Alexander1,Handley Scott2,Zhao Guoyan2,Virgin Herbert W.2,Havenga Menzo J.3,Barouch Dan H.14


1. Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

2. Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

3. AVVI Biotech, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

4. Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, Boston, Massachusetts, USA


ABSTRACT Human and chimpanzee adenovirus vectors are being developed to circumvent preexisting antibodies against common adenovirus vectors such as Ad5. However, baseline immunity to these vectors still exists in human populations. Traditional cloning of new adenovirus vaccine vectors is a long and cumbersome process that takes 2 months or more and that requires rare unique restriction enzyme sites. Here we describe a novel, restriction enzyme-independent method for rapid cloning of new adenovirus vaccine vectors that reduces the total cloning procedure to 1 week. We developed 14 novel adenovirus vectors from rhesus monkeys that can be grown to high titers and that are immunogenic in mice. All vectors grouped with the unusual adenovirus species G and show extremely low seroprevalence in humans. Rapid cloning of novel adenovirus vectors is a promising approach for the development of new vector platforms. Rhesus adenovirus vectors may prove useful for clinical development. IMPORTANCE To overcome baseline immunity to human and chimpanzee adenovirus vectors, we developed 14 novel adenovirus vectors from rhesus monkeys. These vectors are immunogenic in mice and show extremely low seroprevalence in humans. Rhesus adenovirus vectors may prove useful for clinical development.


Ragon Institute

HHS | National Institutes of Health

HHS | NIH | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology








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