Increased virulence of a mouse-adapted variant of influenza A/FM/1/47 virus is controlled by mutations in genome segments 4, 5, 7, and 8


Brown E G1


1. Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.


To cause disease, influenza virus must possess several genetically determined abilities that mediate stages in pathogenesis. The virulent mouse-adapted variant A/FM/1/47-MA (FM-MA), derived from the avirulent A/FM/1/47 (FM) strain, had acquired mutations in genes that control virulence. The purpose of this study was to identify those genes that had mutated to result in increased virulence and to obtain viruses that differed in virulence because of differences in individual genome segments. The genes that had mutated to increase virulence were initially identified by genetic analysis of reassortants obtained by crossing FM-MA with the avirulent strain A/HK/1/68 (HK). FM-MA genome segments 4, 5, 7, and 8 were significantly associated with virulence, as determined by using the Wilcoxon ranked sum analysis. The role of FM-MA segments 4, 7, and 8 was confirmed by reintroduction of these genes into the parental strain, which also provided virus strains that differed in virulence because of mutations in individual genome segments. Segments 4, 7, and 8 were responsible for a 10(3.6)-fold increase in virulence that was proportioned 10(2.2)-, 10(0.7)-, and 10(0.8)-fold, respectively. The role of segment 5 could not be confirmed on transfer back into the parental strain because of reversion during preparation of such reassortants. The incidence of reversion was shown to be significantly associated with culturing of FM-MA in chicken embryo cells but was not associated with growth in MDCK cells. The genetic analysis of FM-MA suggests that adaptation to increased virulence is an incremental process that involves the acquisition of mutations in multiple genes, each of which plays an individual role in pathogenesis. The structural and functional properties of segments 4, 7, and 8 that control the virulence of FM-MA can now be determined by using viruses that differ in virulence because of mutations in these individual genome segments.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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