Hepatitis C Virus Variants with Decreased Sensitivity to Direct-Acting Antivirals (DAAs) Were Rarely Observed in DAA-Naive Patients prior to Treatment


Bartels Doug J.,Sullivan James C.,Zhang Eileen Z.,Tigges Ann M.,Dorrian Jennifer L.,De Meyer Sandra,Takemoto Darin,Dondero Elizabeth,Kwong Ann D.,Picchio Gaston,Kieffer Tara L.


ABSTRACTThe prevalence of naturally occurring hepatitis C virus (HCV) variants that are less sensitive to direct-acting antiviral (DAA) inhibitors has not been fully characterized. We used population sequence analysis to assess the frequency of such variants in plasma samples from 3,447 DAA-naive patients with genotype 1 HCV. In general, HCV variants with lower-level resistance (3- to 25-fold increased 50% inhibitor concentration [IC50]) to telaprevir were observed as the dominant species in 0 to 3% of patients, depending on the specific variant, whereas higher-level resistant variants (>25-fold-increased IC50) were not observed. Specific variants resistant to NS5A inhibitors were predominant in up to 6% of patients. Most variants resistant to nucleo(s/t)ide active-site NS5B polymerase inhibitors were not observed, whereas variants resistant to non-nucleoside allosteric inhibitors were observed in up to 18% of patients. The presence of DAA-resistant variants in NS5A, NS5B, or NS3 (including telaprevir-resistant variants), in baseline samples of treatment-naive patients receiving a telaprevir-based regimen in phase 3 studies did not affect the sustained viral response (SVR). Treatment-naive patients with viral populations containing the telaprevir-resistant variants NS3 V36M, T54S, or R155K at baseline achieved a 74% SVR rate, whereas patients with no resistant variants detected prior to treatment achieved a 76% SVR rate. The effect of specific resistant variant frequency on response to various DAA treatments in different patient populations, including interferon nonresponders, should be further studied.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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