Structure of High-Risk Papillomavirus 31 E6 Oncogenic Protein and Characterization of E6/E6AP/p53 Complex Formation


Conrady Marcel Chris1,Suarez Irina2,Gogl Gergö2,Frecot Desiree Isabella1,Bonhoure Anna2,Kostmann Camille2,Cousido-Siah Alexandra2,Mitschler André2,Lim JiaWen1,Masson Murielle3,Iftner Thomas1,Stubenrauch Frank1ORCID,Travé Gilles2,Simon Claudia1ORCID


1. Institute of Medical Virology, Medical Faculty, Eberhard Karls University, Tuebingen, Germany

2. Equipe Labellisée Ligue 2015, Department of Integrative Biology, Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, CNRS, INSERM, UdS, Illkirch, France

3. UMR 7242 Biotechnologie et signalisation cellulaire, CNRS, UdS, ESBS, Illkirch, France


Variations of carcinogenicity of human papillomaviruses are related to variations of the E6 and E7 interactome. While different HPV species and genera are known to target distinct host proteins, the fine differences between E6 and E7 of closely related HPVs, supposed to target the same cellular protein pools, remain to be addressed. We compare the oncogenic E6 proteins of the closely related high-risk HPV31 and HPV16 with regard to their structure and their efficiency of ternary complex formation with their cellular targets p53 and E6AP, which results in p53 degradation. We solved the crystal structure of 31 E6 bound to the E6AP LxxLL motif. HPV16 E6 and 31 E6 structures are highly similar, but a few sequence variations lead to different protein contacts within the ternary complex and, as quantified here, an overall lower binding affinity of 31 E6 than 16 E6. These results align with the observed lower p53 degradation potential of 31 E6.





HHS | National Institutes of Health

Ligue Contre le Cancer

Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale

Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale

Fondation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer

French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology







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