Carbon Monoxide-Sensing Transcription Factors: Regulators of Microbial Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Pathway Gene Expression


Dent Matthew R.1ORCID,Weaver Brian R.2ORCID,Roberts Madeleine G.2ORCID,Burstyn Judith N.2ORCID


1. Heart, Lung, Blood, and Vascular Medicine Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

2. Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA


Carbon monoxide (CO) serves as a source of energy and carbon for a diverse set of microbes found in anaerobic and aerobic environments. The enzymes that bacteria and archaea use to oxidize CO depend upon complex metallocofactors that require accessory proteins for assembly and proper function.


HHS | National Institutes of Health

National Science Foundation


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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