Biochemical identification of citrobacteria in the clinical laboratory


Janda J M1,Abbott S L1,Cheung W K1,Hanson D F1


1. Microbial Diseases Laboratory, Department of Health Services, Berkeley, California 94704-1011.


We biochemically identified 235 Citrobacter strains to the species level on the basis of the recently proposed taxonomic changes of Brenner et al. (D. J. Brenner, P. A. D. Grimont, A. G. Steigerwalt, G. R. Fanning, E. Ageron, and C. F. Riddle, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 43:645-658, 1993). Citrobacter isolates were initially identified as C. koseri or as members of the C. freundii complex or C. amalonaticus group on the basis of indole production, formation of H2S, malonate utilization, and acid production from D-arabitol and adonitol. On the basis of the results of these tests, 68% of the Citrobacter strains were identified as members of the C. freundii complex, 25% were C. koseri, and 8% were members of the C. amalonaticus group. By using a 15-test system recently proposed by Brenner et al. (D. J. Brenner, P. A. D. Grimont, A. G. Steigerwalt, G. R. Fanning, E. Ageron, and C. F. Riddle, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 43:645-658, 1993) to help identify new species in the C. freundii complex and C. amalonaticus group, 81% of the C. freundii complex strains and 100% of the C. amalonaticus strains could be definitively assigned to one of the previously established or recently designated species or hybridization groups of the genus Citrobacter. Within the C. freundii complex, C. freundii predominated overall (37%), followed by C. youngae (24%), C. braakii (13%), and C. werkmanii (6%). Only one strain each of C. sedlakii and Citrobacter DNA group 11 was identified in this study. Among C. amalonaticus complex members, all were identified as C. amalonaticus with the singular exception of one fecal isolate of C. farmeri. C. freundii and C. koseri were the two Citrobacter species most commonly (80 of 93 [86%]) isolated from extraintestinal sources (genitourinary tract, wounds, blood).


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)

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