Studia medyczne Jana Jaśkiewicza na Uniwersytecie Wiedeńskim (1766/1767–1775)


Wójcik Andrzej J.ORCID,Siembab MateuszORCID


Jan Jaśkiewicz’s Medical Studies at the University of Vienna (1766/1767–1775) During the Age of Enlightenment, many Poles pursued medical studies at various European universities. One of them was Jan Dominik Piotr Jaśkiewicz. Born on 6 July 1749 in Lviv to an Armenian family, he moved to Vienna in the late 1760s to study medicine at the university under the supervision of renowned professors: Anton de Haën, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von Crantz, Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin, and others. Jaśkiewicz graduated in 1775 with a Doctor of Medicine degree, based on the thesis titled “Dissertatio inauguralis medica sistens pharmaca regni vegetabilis”, in which he provided a list, description, and healing properties of some plant species, arranged according to the systematics of Carl von Linnè (Linnaeus). Through his dissertation, Jaśkiewicz popularized in Poland the views of the Viennese medical school, among others, on the medical use of digitalis. For some time he remained in Vienna, attempting to secure a suitable position. Between 1780 and 1783, Jaśkiewicz expanded his knowledge of nature through travels to Italy, Germany, and France. After presenting his mineralogical observations in Paris, Jaśkiewicz was appointed as a correspondent member of the Paris Academy of Sciences. It was during this time in Paris that Jaśkiewicz met Jan Śniadecki, who later became his friend, colleague, and patient. Subsequently, Hugo Kołłątaj appointed Jaśkiewicz as a professor of natural history and chemistry at the Crown’s Main School in Kraków (Jagiellonian University). He began his lectures in Kraków on 1 October 1783. It should be emphasized that Jaśkiewicz laid the foundations for Polish scientific vocabulary. He also played a crucial role in establishing a chemical laboratory and organizing a botanical garden and a cabinet of natural history. In February 1783, Jaśkiewicz took on the position of a hospital physician (director) at the St. Barbara Academic Hospital, where he focused on organizing the hospital’s finances and management. Around the same time, he declined additional remuneration for this role. In 1787, Jaśkiewicz assumed the duties of the house physician for the Wielopolski margrave in Pińczów. Jaśkiewicz died in Kraków on 14 November 1809. Throughout his life, he was an active physician and performed his medical career independently of other duties. Jaśkiewicz gained considerable recognition and popularity for his achievements in the medical field.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego


General Medicine

Reference99 articles.

1. 1. Archiv Universität Wien [AUW], Acta Incl. Facult. Med. ab 1764-1765, MED 1.12, Akten der Medizinischen Fakultät XII; Acta Incl. Facult. Med. ab 1764-1765, MED 9.5.

2. 2. Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego [AUJ], rkps 299, Obrady Kollegium Fizycznego Szkoły Królestwa Głównej, Akademii Krakowskiej 1782-1803. Rok Szkolny III od złączenia Szkoły Matematycznej, Fizycznej i Lekarskiej, ogarnionych w Collegium Fizycznym zaczynający się 1go października 1784 a kończyć się mający ostatniego września 1785.

3. 3. Biblioteka Jagiellońska [BJ], rkps 3120, Michał Jerzy Poniatowski do Jana Śniadeckiego, Warszawa 15 września 1787 r.; rkps 3137, Pomniejsze papiery i świstki po Janie Śniadeckim. Dokumenty pochodzą z XVIII i XIX w. różnemi pisane rękami.

4. 4. Biblioteka Książąt Czartoryskich [BKCz], rkps 3434 IV, Akta, listy i kwity 1574-1803 [Zbiór aktów i zapisek sądów grodzkich i ziemskich woj. krakowskiego i sandomierskiego].

5. 5. Wiener Stadt Bibliotek [WSB], Namen der Werke die mit cursiv-Schrift gedruckten Bücher sind alle in netto Preise.







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