Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 4 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2020


Shaw Kelly A.,Bilder Deborah A.,McArthur Dedria,Williams Ashley Robinson,Amoakohene Esther,Bakian Amanda V.,Durkin Maureen S.,Fitzgerald Robert T.,Furnier Sarah M.,Hughes Michelle M.,Pas Elise T.,Salinas Angelica,Warren Zachary,Williams Susan,Esler Amy,Grzybowski Andrea,Ladd-Acosta Christine M.,Patrick Mary,Zahorodny Walter,Green Katie K.,Hall-Lande Jennifer,Lopez Maya,Mancilla Kristen Clancy,Nguyen Ruby H.N.,Pierce Karen,Schwenk Yvette D.,Shenouda Josephine,Sidwell Kate,Vehorn Alison,DiRienzo Monica,Gutierrez Johanna,Hallas Libby,Hudson Allison,Spivey Margaret H.,Pettygrove Sydney,Washington Anita,Maenner Matthew J.


Centers for Disease Control MMWR Office


Health Information Management,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Health (social science),Epidemiology

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