Respiratory symptoms (COPD Assessment Test and modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scores) and GOLD-ABCD COPD classification: the LASSYC study


Montes de Oca1 Maria1ORCID,Lopez Varela2 Maria Victorina2ORCID,B. Menezes3 Ana Maria3ORCID,C. Wehrmeister3 Fernando3ORCID,Ramirez4 Larissa4ORCID,Miravitlles5 Marc5ORCID


1. 1. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.

2. 2. Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.

3. 3. Programa de Pós-graduação em Epidemiologia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas (RS) Brasil.

4. 4. AstraZeneca, Costa Rica.

5. 5. Department of Pneumology, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Barcelona, Spain.


Objective: To assess the frequency and severity of 24-hour respiratory symptoms according to COPD GOLD-ABCD classification (2017-version), the distribution of the patients with COPD into GOLD categories using mMRC (=2) or CAT (=10) scores, and agreement between these cut-off points. Methods: In this cross-sectional study (LASSYC study), 24-hour day respiratory symptoms were assessed by the Evaluating Respiratory Symptoms in COPD (E-RS) questionnaire, Nighttime Symptoms of COPD Instrument (NiSCI), Early Morning Symptoms of COPD Instrument (EMSCI), CAT and mMRC scores. Results: Among the 734 patients with COPD, 61% were male, age 69.6±8.7 years, FEV1% post-BD 49.1±17.5%, mMRC 1.8±1.0 and CAT 15.3±.8.1. By mMRC 33.7% were group-A, 29.2% group-B, 10.2% group-C and 26.9% group-D. By CAT 22.3% were group-A, 41% group-B, 4.8% group-C and 31.9% group-D. Using the mMRC the severity of E-RS, NiSCI and EMSCI scores increased from group A to D. Using the CAT, the groups B and D had the higher scores. Agreement between mMRC and CAT was 89.5% (Kappa statistics=75.7%). For mMRC score of 2, CAT score of =11 showed the maximum Youden's index (1.34). For mMRC score of 1, CAT score of =9 and =10 showed the maximum Youden's index (1.48). Conclusion: GOLD COPD classification by CAT seems to better discriminate 24-hour symptoms. Results do not support the equivalent use of CAT=10 and mMRC=2 for assessing symptoms.


Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia

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