Impact of periodic vaccination in SEIRS seasonal model


Gabrick Enrique C.123ORCID,Brugnago Eduardo L.4ORCID,de Souza Silvio L. T.5ORCID,Iarosz Kelly C.36ORCID,Szezech José D.37ORCID,Viana Ricardo L.48ORCID,Caldas Iberê L.4ORCID,Batista Antonio M.347ORCID,Kurths Jürgen12ORCID


1. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research 1 , Telegrafenberg A31, 14473 Potsdam, Germany

2. Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin 2 , Newtonstraße 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany

3. Graduate Program in Science, State University of Ponta Grossa 3 , 84030-900 Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil

4. Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo 4 , 05508-090 São Paulo, SP, Brazil

5. Federal University of São João del-Rei 5 , Campus Centro-Oeste, 35501-296 Divinópolis, MG, Brazil

6. University Center UNIFATEB 6 , 84266-010 Telêmaco Borba, PR, Brazil

7. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, State University of Ponta Grossa 7 , 84030-900 Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil

8. Department of Physics, Federal University of Paraná 8 , 81531-980 Curitiba, PR, Brazil


We study three different strategies of vaccination in an SEIRS (Susceptible–Exposed–Infected–Recovered–Susceptible) seasonal forced model, which are (i) continuous vaccination; (ii) periodic short-time localized vaccination, and (iii) periodic pulsed width campaign. Considering the first strategy, we obtain an expression for the basic reproduction number and infer a minimum vaccination rate necessary to ensure the stability of the disease-free equilibrium (DFE) solution. In the second strategy, short duration pulses are added to a constant baseline vaccination rate. The pulse is applied according to the seasonal forcing phases. The best outcome is obtained by locating intensive immunization at inflection of the transmissivity curve. Therefore, a vaccination rate of 44.4% of susceptible individuals is enough to ensure DFE. For the third vaccination proposal, additionally to the amplitude, the pulses have a prolonged time width. We obtain a non-linear relationship between vaccination rates and the duration of the campaign. Our simulations show that the baseline rates, as well as the pulse duration, can substantially improve the vaccination campaign effectiveness. These findings are in agreement with our analytical expression. We show a relationship between the vaccination parameters and the accumulated number of infected individuals, over the years, and show the relevance of the immunization campaign annual reaching for controlling the infection spreading. Regarding the dynamical behavior of the model, our simulations show that chaotic and periodic solutions as well as bi-stable regions depend on the vaccination parameters range.


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


AIP Publishing


Applied Mathematics,General Physics and Astronomy,Mathematical Physics,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics







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