Sex hormones and venous thromboembolism – from contraception to hormone replacement therapy


Beyer-Westendorf Jan12,Bauersachs Rupert3,Hach-Wunderle Viola4,Zotz Rainer B.56,Rott Hannelore7


1. Thrombosis Research Unit, Department of Medicine I, Division Hematology, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Dresden, Germany

2. Kings Thrombosis Service, Department of Hematology, Kings College London, UK

3. Vascular Medicine, Klinikum Darmstadt GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany

4. Venenzentrum Frankfurt am Main Main, Frankfurt am Main Main; Germany

5. Institute for Laboratory Medicine, Blood Coagulation and Transfusion Medicine (LBT), Düsseldorf, Germany

6. Department of Haemostasis, Haemotherapy and Transfusion Medicine, Heinrich Heine University Medical Centre, Düsseldorf, Germany

7. Coagulation Center Rhine-Ruhr, Duisburg, Germany


Abstract. The use of sex hormones such as combined oral contraceptives (COC) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE) considerably, especially in patients with an increased intrinsic risk for thromboembolic complications. Despite public and media attention and increasing scientific evidence, prescription patterns seem to be hard to change. It is well recognized that the patient’s baseline risk is the most relevant factor in the absolute risk for developing VTE. The relative risk increase associated with sex hormones, depends on the type and dosage of hormones, the route of application (oral, vaginal, transdermal), and for COC, on the specific combination of oestrogen and gestagen components. Consequently, a careful decision for or against any specific type of hormone treatment needs to be based on an assessment of the patient’s risk profile (disposition) as well as on the treatment-associated risks and benefits (exposition). This review discusses the most common sex hormone treatments in contraception and HRT, the relevance for VTE risk patients, and strategies to counsel patients with regard to hormone use according to their risk profiles. Keywords: Oral contraceptives, hormonal contraception, hormone replacement therapy, venous thromboembolism


Hogrefe Publishing Group


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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