Why can’t the supply chain keep up with organic bakery product demand? Understanding miller, distributor, and baker organic wheat quality perceptions and needs


Drugova Tatiana1,Curtis Kynda R.2


1. Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Applied Economics, Utah State University, 4835 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322, USA.

2. Professor, Department of Applied Economics, Utah State University, 4835 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322, USA.


While the demand for organic wheat products in the U.S. is strong and continues to grow, organic wheat supply is actually decreasing in part due to grower challenges related to declining yields and quality. This study examines the perceptions, requirements, and needs of millers, distributors, and bakers surrounding organic wheat quality and supply. We also use ordered logit models to examine which factors and quality indicators influence organic wheat quality ratings alone and when compared to conventional wheat. Study data were collected in the winter of 2020/2021 through two online surveys. Results show that both bakers and millers/distributors rated wheat quality and consistent quality from suppliers as very important and that they consider protein quality and content as primary indicators of quality. However, they differ in their ratings of organic quality, as bakers perceive organic wheat to be of higher quality than conventional wheat and millers just the opposite. There was also disparity in their importance ratings for other wheat quality indicators. This study provides pertinent findings on the perceptions and needs of organic wheat buyers across the supply chain. Study findings will be especially informative to organic wheat growers, breeders, and researchers seeking to improve organic wheat quality and yields.


Wageningen Academic Publishers


General Medicine

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1. Northeastern bakers' views on organic and regeneratively certified flours;Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development;2023-12-11








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