A prognostic model for ischemic stroke outcome


Repina Lydiya A.ORCID,Romanova Tatyana V.ORCID,Poverennova Irina E.ORCID,Murtazina Aliya Kh.ORCID


Aim to develop a mathematical model for the prognosis of ischemic stroke outcome in the acute period of the disease. Material and methods. The study included 103 patients with ischemic stroke in the carotid basin with existing hemiparesis. The comprehensive examination comprised clinical and anamnestic data, state assessment using clinical scales, brain computed tomography, ultrasound, transcranial magnetic stimulation, evoked potential tests, laboratory blood tests. The patients were examined at admission, at discharge and in 12-24 months after leaving hospital. According to the motor function recovery, the patients were divided into two groups with favorable and unfavorable outcome. Statistical methods identified the significantly different results in the two groups. Results. The most significant indicators affecting the prognosis of ischemic stroke were identified.The developed criteria served the basis for a mathematical model using the results of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Conclusion. The obtained mathematical model can be used to determine the outcome of ischemic stroke in the acute period. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a method that allows for prognosis of the outcome in early period of stroke.


FSBEI of Higher Education SamSMU of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


General Medicine

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