Sexual Dysfunction and Related Factors in Patients With Parkinson's Disease


Haktanır Dilara,Yılmaz Sevil


The current cross-sectional study investigated sexual dysfunction and related factors in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The sample comprised 76 patients with PD in the neurology clinic of a training and research hospital. Data were collected using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale. Approximately nine (88.2%) in 10 participants had sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction depended on sex, educational background, employment status, side effects, body image, difficulty falling asleep, self-care, and walking dependence. Sexual dysfunction was positively correlated with age and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Sexual dysfunction was more prevalent in females than males. Advanced age and high risk of depression resulted in increased prevalence of sexual dysfunction. Health care professionals should evaluate the causes of sexual dysfunction and plan and implement appropriate interventions for patients with PD. [ Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 61 (3), 45–55.]




Pshychiatric Mental Health,General Nursing

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