New Terminology and Methodology for the Assessment of the Vitreous, Its Floaters and Opacities, and Their Effect on Vision: Standardized and Kinetic Anatomical and Functional Testing of Vitreous Floaters and Opacities (SK VFO Test)


Stanga Paulo Eduardo,Valentin Bravo Francisco Javier,Reinstein Ursula Inge,Stanga Sebastian Francis Eduardo,Marshall John,Archer Timothy J.,Reinstein Dan Z.


Objective: To introduce VFO and SK VFO Test: new, more representative terminology for symptoms of vitreous floaters/opacities (VFO) and new standardized kinetic (SK) anatomical-functional assessment. Materials and Methods: Eight eyes underwent before-after limited vitrectomy (LV): best-corrected visual acuity, low-luminance visual acuity, Minnesota Low Vision Reading Chart near visual acuity in logMAR, contrast sensitivity function (CV1000E), and straylight measurements (SM) (HDA/LDA/C-Quant). SK infrared confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SK IRcSLO) and swept-source widefield optical coherence tomography (SS-WF-OCT) identified VFO and posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). SK IRcSLO was performed with gaze directed towards the extreme superior, inferior, and lateral directions. Results: Anatomical-functional results after LV improved in 7 eyes (87.5%): objective scatter index (27.34%), disturbance index (47.97%) and C-Quant Log units (2.26%). Pre-LV SK IRcSLO and SS-WFOCT imaging identified dynamic well-defined VFO and PVD status (100%). A residual asymptomatic anterior cortical vitreous-induced shadowing ripple effect was detected post-LV. Conclusions: This is the first objective-standardized test accounting for VFO kinesis and intermittent effect. There is potential for personalizing treatment and establishing best candidates for laser or surgery. [ Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2023;54:306–315.]



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1. Opacidades vítreas: un fenómeno común pero poco comprendido;Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología;2024-02

2. Vitreous opacities: A common but poorly understood phenomenon;Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología (English Edition);2024-02

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