Regional features of vitamin D content in the body of newborns and children of the first year of life


Kozlovsky A. A.1ORCID,Kozlovsky D. A.2ORCID


1. Gomel State Medical University

2. Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Mother and Child»


Objective. To assess the vitamin D availability of newborn babies, nursing mothers and children of the first year of life living in various regions of Belarus.Materials and methods. 114 children were examined. Group I included 31 newborns from Gomel, group II — 40 newborns living in Minsk, group III — 43 children — were infants (1–12 months) from Gomel. Mothers of group I children (31 women) were also additionally examined. To assess vitamin D availability, we determined the level of 25 (OH) D - the main metabolite of vitamin D.Results. In newborns of group I a low vitamin D content was found. Normal vitamin D content was not detected in any child. The average content level is 25(OH)D in the blood serum of mothers of newborns was significantly higher than in their children. The absolute majority of mothers had vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency, regardless of taking preventive doses of vitamin D. In newborn children of group II, the average content level is 25(OH)D was higher than in group I. In children of group II, 25(OH)D deficiency was statistically more common. In group III, the normal vitamin D content was detected only in 62,8 % of children.Conclusion. A high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency has been established in newborn children and their mothers both in Gomel and Minsk. The administration of vitamin D in the first year of a child’s life in a preventive dose does not allow in 37.2% of cases to ensure its optimal level in the blood serum. Taking vitamin D by pregnant women for prophylactic purposes does not allow to ensure an optimal level of 25 (OH)D more than 30 ng/ml in a newborn baby. It is necessary to carry out comprehensive diagnostic, preventive and corrective measures to eliminate vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency.


Gomel State Medical University


General Medicine

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