If it walks like a duck…: Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Experimental Interventions (MEURI) is research


Schaefer G OwenORCID


Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Experimental Interventions (MEURI) is an ethical framework developed by the WHO for using unproven interventions in public health emergencies outside the context of medical research. It is mainly intended for use when medical research would be impracticable, but there is still a need to systematically gather data about unproven interventions. As such, it is designed as something of a middle ground between clinical and research ethical frameworks.However, I argue that MEURI does not truly lie at the intersection of clinical care and research. Due to its intent, structure and oversight requirements, it takes on most of the crucial features of research, to the point that it is best understood as a form of research. As a result, cases where MEURI could practicably be applied should instead make use of existing research frameworks. For those circumstances where research is truly impracticable, a more straightforward oversight system than MEURI is needed. While existing practices of compassionate use have some applicability, proposals to make use of clinical ethics committees to oversee unproven interventions may help achieve the right balance in acting in a patient’s best interests when the relevant evidence base is weak.


NUHS Internal Grant Funding




Health Policy,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Issues, ethics and legal aspects,Health (social science)

Reference39 articles.

1. World Health Organization . Emergency use of Unproven clinical interventions outside clinical trials: ethical considerations; 2022. Geneva Available: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240041745 [Accessed 24 Feb 2023].

2. World Health Organization . Ebola virus disease. 2021. Available: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ebola-virus-disease [Accessed 17 Mar 2023].

3. World Health Organization . Ethical issues related to study design for trials on Therapeutics for Ebola virus disease: WHO ethics working group meeting 20-21 October, summary of discussion. 2014. Available: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/137509 [Accessed 17 Mar 2023].

4. Ebola Virus in West Africa: Waiting for the Owl of Minerva

5. World Health Organization . Potential Ebola therapies and vaccines: interim guidance. 2014. Available: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/137590?locale-attribute=fr [Accessed 17 Mar 2023].








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