PMI-funded foundation for a smoke-free world: application of criteria to assess funding models that include financial support from the tobacco industry


Cohen Joanna EORCID,Eissenberg ThomasORCID,Zeller Mitch


Recent changes to the leadership and the terms of tobacco industry financing of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW) have called for a revisiting of a paper published in 2009 where we proposed criteria and other considerations to assess possible funding models for research that include financial support from the tobacco industry. This paper reviews and attempts to apply the elements laid out in 2009 to the current state of FSFW. After discussing each criterion and consideration we conclude that, at this point in time, conducting a thorough assessment using our 2009 paper is not possible because critical details related to FSFW governance, decision-making and process have not been announced. Nonetheless, we hope this paper will remind the tobacco control community that the 2009 criteria exist and highlight the information needed and questions that might be asked of FSFW to help form judgements about this new iteration of the foundation. We further hope this will put the FSFW on notice that they need to address each of these criteria and speak publicly about their plans regarding the specific issues raised in the 2009 paper.




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health (social science)

Reference18 articles.

1. United States v. Philip Morris USA, Inc; 2006. 449.

2. Criteria for evaluating tobacco control research funding programs and their application to models that include financial support from the tobacco industry

3. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World . Foundation for a Smoke-Free World secures major 12 year funding commitment; shares Initiatl plans to reduce harm and deaths from smoking. 2017. Available: [Accessed 11 Jan 2024].

4. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World;Yach;Lancet,2017

5. Cohen JE , Eissenberg T . Foundation not independent from PMI. 2017. Available:







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