Long term outcomes of metabolic/bariatric surgery in adults


Courcoulas Anita P,Daigle Christopher R,Arterburn David E


ABSTRACT The prevalence of obesity continues to rise around the world, driving up the need for effective and durable treatments. The field of metabolic/bariatric surgery has grown rapidly in the past 25 years, with observational studies and randomized controlled trials investigating a broad range of long term outcomes. Metabolic/bariatric surgery results in durable and significant weight loss and improvements in comorbid conditions, including type 2 diabetes. Observational studies show that metabolic/bariatric surgery is associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular events, cancer, and death. Weight regain is a risk in a fraction of patients, and an association exists between metabolic/bariatric surgery and an increased risk of developing substance and alcohol use disorders, suicidal ideation/attempts, and accidental death. Patients need lifelong follow-up to help to reduce the risk of these complications and other nutritional deficiencies. Different surgical procedures have important differences in risks and benefits, and a clear need exists for more long term research about less invasive and emerging procedures. Recent guidelines for the treatment of obesity and metabolic conditions have been updated to reflect this growth in knowledge, with an expansion of eligibility criteria, particularly people with type 2 diabetes and a body mass index between 30.0 and 34.9.




Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Metals and Alloys,Strategy and Management,Mechanical Engineering

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