A hospital study of community acquired pneumonia in the elderly.


Venkatesan P,Gladman J,Macfarlane J T,Barer D,Berman P,Kinnear W,Finch R G




Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine

Reference9 articles.

1. During the winter and spring of our study we found only two cases of sporadic L pneumophila and no other cases of atypical pneumonia. Studies covering a longer period may have shown a seasonal variation. With stratification for age two earlier'studies, in 1982 and 1987, show that atypical infections are uncommon in the elderly (table 4). Fhese studies also support our finding that S pneumoniae and H influenzae are the major pathogens in botn young and elderly people

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4. Transtracheal injection of saline in the investigation of pneumonia;Macfarlane, J.T.; Ward, M.J.;Br Med J,1984

5. Thoracic Society and Public Health Laboratory Service. Community-acquired pneumonia in adults in British hospitals in 1982-1983: a survey of aetiology, mortality, prognostic factors and outcome;Subcommittee of Research Committee of British;Q J Med,1987








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