CDSC report. Outbreak of poliomyelitis in Finland.





General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Engineering

Reference9 articles.

1. National Congenital Rubella Surveillance Programme;Anonvmous, I.;BrMedJ,1979

2. National Congenital Rubella Surveillance Programme;Anonymous;BrMedJ

3. National Congenital Rubella Surveillance Programme 1971-81;Smithells, R.W.; Sheppard, S.; Marshall, W.C.; Milton, A.;BrMedJ,1982

4. In mid October 1984 a 6 year old boy with mild meningitis was shown to be excreting poliovirus type 3. He had been fully up to date with his vaccination schedule, having had three doses. Investigation of healthy contacts and other healthy people in his neighbourhood close to Helsinki showed the virus to be widespread. This was the first evidence of indigenous poliovirus circulation in the past 20 years in Finland. Six isolates sent to a laboratory in the Netherlands for strain analysis were all found to be "not vaccine like

5. In a review in 1982 of the effects of inactivated poliovirus vaccine on poliovirus immunity in Finland Lapinleimu tested 1463 people for poliovirus antibody.' Antibody to poliovirus type 3 was detectable in only 47-60%

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1. Poliomyelitis;Tachdjian's Pediatric Orthopaedics;2008

2. A mathematical model for predicting the geographic spread of new infectious agents;Mathematical Biosciences;1988-07







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