Non-pharmaceutical interventions taken by China during the prevention and control of COVID-19


Yuan Zhiling


To study and analyze the effective non-pharmaceutical interventions taken by China during the avoidance and management of COVID-19, in order to provide suggestions for future response to major public health emergencies. Search for keywords such as 'COVID-19', 'SARS-CoV-2', 'non-pharmaceutical interventions', and 'control strategies' on PubMed, and establish domestic and foreign literature as well as dynamic epidemic reports and expert comments issued by official institutions and summary. During the epidemic, traditional infectious disease prevention measures were adopted, such as isolation, case testing, personal protection (wearing masks), and new measures, such as expanding social distance and restricting travel. Through the precise implementation of prevention and control measures, most Asian countries, mainly China, have effectively controlled the spread of the new coronavirus in the first half of 2020. Studies have shown that measures taken during the epidemic have reduced the spread of the new coronavirus and the incidence of other respiratory infectious illnesses. For the outbreak center of the epidemic, taking Wuhan as an example, targeted prevention and control measures such as closing schools, closing cities, and establishing sheltered hospitals have been adopted, and these measures have achieved remarkable results. Only by doing so can we minimize the virus spread and curb the spread of the epidemic.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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