The impact of coffee in athletics: a comprehensive review of its components, sensory attributes and implications for sports health


He Runqing


This comprehensive review explores coffee’s diverse impact on athletics, covering its bioactive elements, sensory qualities, and effects on sports performance and health. It examines coffee’s potential benefits and challenges in sports health, encompassing physical fitness, mental well-being, nutrition, injury prevention, and recovery. The review first investigates key bioactive compounds in coffee, including polyphenols (e.g., caffeic acid, chlorogenic acids), caffeine, and bioflavonoids. It discusses how these compounds contribute to enhanced sports performance and overall health. The review highlights caffeine’s impact on alertness, endurance, and recovery, emphasizing optimal dosages and potential discomfort at higher levels. Additionally, it underscores the antioxidative properties of chlorogenic acids, which can mitigate oxidative stress and inflammation, supporting neuronal protection and injury recovery. The sensory experience of coffee, including taste and aroma, is also explored for its psychological influence on sports performance and health. The review addresses potential risks linked to coffee consumption, emphasizing the importance of moderation in the context of sports health. Concluding, the review identifies research gaps and suggests areas for future exploration. This comprehensive analysis underscores coffee’s multi-dimensional role in athletics, spanning its bioactive components and sensory qualities, shedding light on its potential to enhance sports performance and overall well-being.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.







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