The evolutionary history and ancestral biogeographic range estimation of old-world Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae (Chiroptera)


Chornelia Ada,Hughes Alice CatherineORCID


Abstract Background Family Rhinolophidae (horseshoe bats), Hipposideridae (leaf-nosed bats) and Rhinonycteridae (trident bats) are exclusively distributed in the Old-World, and their biogeography reflects the complex historic geological events throughout the Cenozoic. Here we investigated the origin of these families and unravel the conflicting family origin theories using a high resolution tree covering taxa from each zoogeographic realm from Africa to Australia. Ancestral range estimations were performed using a probabilistic approach implemented in BioGeoBEARS with subset analysis per biogeographic range [Old-World as whole, Australia–Oriental–Oceania (AOO) and Afrotropical–Madagascar–Palearctic (AMP)]. Result Our result supports an Oriental origin for Rhinolophidae, whereas Hipposideridae originated from the Oriental and African regions in concordance with fossil evidence of both families. The fossil evidence indicates that Hipposideridae has diversified across Eurasia and the Afro-Arabian region since the Middle Eocene. Meanwhile, Rhinonycteridae (the sister family of Hipposideridae) appears to have originated from the Africa region splitting from the common ancestor with Hipposideridae in Africa. Indomalaya is the center of origin of Rhinolophidae AOO lineages, and Indomalayan + Philippines appears to be center of origin of Hipposideridae AOO lineage indicating allopatric speciation and may have involved jump-dispersal (founder-event) speciation within AOO lineage. Wallacea and the Philippines may have been used as stepping stones for dispersal towards Oceania and Australia from the Oriental region. Multiple colonization events via different routes may have occurred in the Philippines (i.e., Palawan and Wallacea) since the Late Miocene. The colonization of Rhinolophidae towards Africa from Asia coincided with the estimated time of Tethys Ocean closure around the Oligocene to Miocene (around 27 Ma), allowing species to disperse via the Arabian Peninsula. Additionally, the number of potential cryptic species in Rhinolophidae in Southeast Asia may have increased since Plio-Pleistocene and late Miocene. Conclusion Overall, we conclude an Oriental origin for Rhinolophidae, and Oriental + African for Hipposideridae. The result demonstrates that complex historical events, in addition to species specific ecomorphology and specialization of ecological niches may shape current distributions.


Chinese National Natural Science Foundation

the Chinese Academy of Sciences Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Center fund

the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

the High-End Foreign Experts Program of Yunnan Province

the CAS 135 program


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Medicine

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