Transient ischemic attack presenting as recurrent migratory numbness by seconds: a rare case confirmed by transcranial Doppler micro-emboli monitoring


Liu Xianyue,Han Ke,Hu Mingyi,Liao Huanquan,Hou QinghuaORCID


Abstract Background Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a brief episode of cerebral ischemia. However, if a symptom is not presented as drop attack or hemiplegia, and alarming to the patient and the physician, how short of a symptom duration would raise the concern of a physician for TIA? It will be more complicated if the location of the neurological deficit is vagrant. This report highlights a rare TIA case which presented a very short duration of migratory patchy distribution numbness. Case presentation A middle-aged gentleman was presented with recurrent patchy distribution numbness on the right side of the body for 2 months, with the episode lasting as short as about 10 s. The location of the numbness was erratic and migratory. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) revealed mild stenosis on the left middle cerebral artery (MCA). Transcranial Doppler (TCD) micro-emboli monitoring detected positive micro-emboli signals (MES), leading to the confirmation of a TIA diagnosis. After a standard dual antiplatelet treatment combined with enhanced lipid reduction therapy with statins, MES disappeared on dynamic TCD emboli monitoring, and no more episodes of TIA have been noticed on the follow-ups. Conclusion TIA caused by micro-emboli can display as recurrent migratory neurological deficit within seconds. TCD micro-emboli monitoring is very helpful to differentiate this situation from TIA mimics with follow-ups, as well as to locate unstable plague.


Sanming Project of Medicine in Shenzhen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Neurology (clinical),General Medicine

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