EphrinA5 regulates cell motility by modulating Snhg15/DNA triplex-dependent targeting of DNMT1 to the Ncam1 promoter


Yildiz Can Bora,Kundu Tathagata,Gehrmann Julia,Koesling Jannis,Ravaei Amin,Wolff Philip,Kraft Florian,Maié Tiago,Jakovcevski Mira,Pensold Daniel,Zimmermann Olav,Rossetti Giulia,Costa Ivan G.,Zimmer-Bensch Geraldine


AbstractCell–cell communication is mediated by membrane receptors and their ligands, such as the Eph/ephrin system, orchestrating cell migration during development and in diverse cancer types. Epigenetic mechanisms are key for integrating external “signals”, e.g., from neighboring cells, into the transcriptome in health and disease. Previously, we reported ephrinA5 to trigger transcriptional changes of lncRNAs and protein-coding genes in cerebellar granule cells, a cell model for medulloblastoma. LncRNAs represent important adaptors for epigenetic writers through which they regulate gene expression. Here, we investigate a lncRNA-mediated targeting of DNMT1 to specific gene loci by the combined power of in silico modeling of RNA/DNA interactions and wet lab approaches, in the context of the clinically relevant use case of ephrinA5-dependent regulation of cellular motility of cerebellar granule cells. We provide evidence that Snhg15, a cancer-related lncRNA, recruits DNMT1 to the Ncam1 promoter through RNA/DNA triplex structure formation and the interaction with DNMT1. This mediates DNA methylation-dependent silencing of Ncam1, being abolished by ephrinA5 stimulation-triggered reduction of Snhg15 expression. Hence, we here propose a triple helix recognition mechanism, underlying cell motility regulation via lncRNA-targeted DNA methylation in a clinically relevant context. Graphical Abstract


Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments, RWTH Aachen, Seed Fund

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

RWTH Aachen University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Genetics,Molecular Biology








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