Notch-associated lncRNAs profiling circuiting epigenetic modification in colorectal cancer


Emam Omnia,Wasfey Eman F.,Hamdy Nadia M.


Abstract Background Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most prevalent digestive cancers, ranking the 2nd cause of cancer-related fatality worldwide. The worldwide burden of CRC is predicted to rise by 60% by 2030. Environmental factors drive, first, inflammation and hence, cancer incidence increase. Main The Notch-signaling system is an evolutionarily conserved cascade, has role in the biological normal developmental processes as well as malignancies. Long non-coding RNAs (LncRNAs) have become major contributors in the advancement of cancer by serving as signal pathways regulators. They can control gene expression through post-translational changes, interactions with micro-RNAs or down-stream effector proteins. Recent emerging evidence has emphasized the role of lncRNAs in controlling Notch-signaling activity, regulating development of several cancers including CRC. Conclusion Notch-associated lncRNAs might be useful prognostic biomarkers or promising potential therapeutic targets for CRC treatment. Therefore, here-in we will focus on the role of “Notch-associated lncRNAs in CRC” highlighting “the impact of Notch-associated lncRNAs as player for cancer induction and/or progression.” Graphical Abstract


Ain Shams University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cancer Research,Genetics,Oncology

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