Single-cell transcriptomics highlights immunological dysregulations of monocytes in the pathobiology of COPD


Huang Qiqing,Wang Yuanyuan,Zhang Lili,Qian Wei,Shen Shaoran,Wang Jingshen,Wu Shuangshuang,Xu Wei,Chen Bo,Lin Mingyan,Wu Jianqing


Abstract Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common respiratory disease, whose pathogenetic complexity was strongly associated with aging/smoking and poorly understood. Methods Here we performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis of 66,610 cells from COPD and age-stratified control lung tissues of donors with different smoking histories to prioritize cell types most perturbed in COPD lungs in aging/smoking dependent or independent manner. By performing an array of advanced bioinformatic analyses, such as gene set enrichment analysis, trajectory analysis, cell–cell interactions analysis, regulatory potential analysis, weighted correlation network analysis, functional interaction analysis, and gene set variation analysis, we integrated cell-type-level alterations into a system-level malfunction and provided a more clarified COPD pathological model containing specific mechanisms by which aging and smoking facilitate COPD development. Finally, we integrated the publicly available scRNA-seq data of 9 individuals, resulting in a total of 110,931 cells, and replicated the analyses to enhance the credibility of our findings. Results Our study pointed to enrichment of COPD molecular alteration in monocytes, which further induced a previously unrecognized pro-inflammatory effect on alveolar epithelial cells. In addition, aged monocytes and club cells facilitated COPD development via maintaining an autoimmune airway niche. Unexpectedly, macrophages, whose defect to resolve inflammation was long-recognized in COPD pathogenesis, primarily induced an imbalance of sphingolipids rheostat in a smoking-dependent way. These findings were validated in a meta-analysis including other public single-cell transcriptomic data. Conclusions In sum, our study provided a clarified view of COPD pathogenesis and demonstrated the potential of targeting monocytes in COPD diagnosis and treatment.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

National Key Research and Development Program of China

Jiangsu Provincial Key Discipline of Medicine


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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