ECL 3.0: a sensitive peptide identification tool for cross-linking mass spectrometry data analysis


Zhou Chen,Dai Shuaijian,Lai Shengzhi,Lin Yuanqiao,Zhang Xuechen,Li Ning,Yu Weichuan


Abstract Background Cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) is a powerful technique for detecting protein–protein interactions (PPIs) and modeling protein structures in a high-throughput manner. In XL-MS experiments, proteins are cross-linked by a chemical reagent (namely cross-linker), fragmented, and then fed into a tandem mass spectrum (MS/MS). Cross-linkers are either cleavable or non-cleavable, and each type requires distinct data analysis tools. However, both types of cross-linkers suffer from imbalanced fragmentation efficiency, resulting in a large number of unidentifiable spectra that hinder the discovery of PPIs and protein conformations. To address this challenge, researchers have sought to improve the sensitivity of XL-MS through invention of novel cross-linking reagents, optimization of sample preparation protocols, and development of data analysis algorithms. One promising approach to developing new data analysis methods is to apply a protein feedback mechanism in the analysis. It has significantly improved the sensitivity of analysis methods in the cleavable cross-linking data. The application of the protein feedback mechanism to the analysis of non-cleavable cross-linking data is expected to have an even greater impact because the majority of XL-MS experiments currently employs non-cleavable cross-linkers. Results In this study, we applied the protein feedback mechanism to the analysis of both non-cleavable and cleavable cross-linking data and observed a substantial improvement in cross-link spectrum matches (CSMs) compared to conventional methods. Furthermore, we developed a new software program, ECL 3.0, that integrates two algorithms and includes a user-friendly graphical interface to facilitate wider applications of this new program. Conclusions ECL 3.0 source code is available at A quick tutorial is available at


Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee

Innovation and Technology Commission of Hong Kong S.A.R.

Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone project

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Applied Mathematics,Computer Science Applications,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry,Structural Biology







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