Community-based HIV testing through a general health check event in a high HIV-prevalent multicultural area in Rotterdam, The Netherlands: a pilot study on feasibility and acceptance


Twisk Denise E.ORCID,Watzeels Anita,Götz Hannelore M.


Abstract Background HIV testing is crucial for finding the remaining cases in a declining HIV epidemic in The Netherlands; providing HIV testing in non-traditional settings may be warranted. We conducted a pilot study to determine the feasibility and acceptability of a community-based HIV testing (CBHT) approach with general health checks to improve HIV test uptake. Methods CBHT’s main conditions were low-threshold, free-of-charge, general health check, and HIV education. We interviewed 6 community leaders, 25 residents, and 12 professionals/volunteers from local organizations to outline these main conditions. Walk-in test events were piloted at community organizations, providing HIV testing along with body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, blood glucose screening, and HIV education (October 2019 to February 2020). Demographics, HIV testing history, risk perception, and sexual contact were collected via questionnaires. To evaluate the pilots’ feasibility and acceptance, we utilized the RE-AIM framework and predefined goals, incorporating quantitative data from the test events and qualitative input from participants, organizations, and staff. Results A total of 140 individuals participated (74% women, 85% non-Western, median age 49 years old). The number of participants during the seven 4-h test events ranged from 10 to 31. We tested 134 participants for HIV, and one was found positive (positivity 0.75%). Almost 90% of the participants were never tested or > 1 year ago, and 90% perceived no HIV risk. One-third of the participants had one or more abnormal test results on BMI, blood pressure, or blood glucose. The pilot was well-rated and accepted by all parties. The staff had concerns about waiting time, language problems, and privacy. Participants hardly indicated these concerns. Conclusions This CBHT approach is feasible, acceptable, and well-suited for testing not (recently) tested individuals and detecting new cases. Besides reducing HIV-associated stigma and increasing HIV test acceptance, offering multiple health tests may be appropriate as we frequently observed multiple health problems. Whether this laborious approach is sustainable in the micro-elimination of HIV and should be deployed on a large scale is questionable. CBHT like ours may be suitable as a supplement to more sustainable and cost-effective methods, e.g., proactive HIV testing by general practitioners and partner notification.


Aids Fonds


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Medicine (miscellaneous)

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