A comprehensive point prevalence survey of the quality and quantity of antimicrobial use in Chinese general hospitals and clinical specialties


Xiao Yonghong,Xin Xing,Chen Yunbo,Yan Qing,


AbstractAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious, worldwide public health crisis. Surveillance of antimicrobial use forms part of an essential strategy to contain AMR. We aimed to conduct a national point prevalence survey (PPS) on antimicrobial use, and to compare this data with similar international surveillance programs to provide a reference for future AMR strategy development in China. Twenty general hospitals encompassing 10,881 beds and 10,209 inpatients around the country participated the survey using a standardized protocol, at 8am of someday from October 10th to November 31st, 2019. Of the patients, 37.00% (3777/10209) received antimicrobial agents, 31.30% (1630/5208) had surgical operations, and 76.63% (1249/1630) received prophylactic antibiotic. The prevalence of antimicrobial use in medical, surgical, and intensive care units (ICU) patients was 38.84% (1712/4408), 32.07% (1670/5208), and 66.61% (395/593), respectively. Of prescriptions, 5.79% (356/6151) were made in the absence of indication. The intensity of antimicrobial use was 61.25 DDDs/100 patient days, while the intensity of use in internal medicine, surgery, and ICU were 67.79, 45.81, 124.45 DDDs/100 patient days, respectively. Only 11.62% (715/6151) of prescriptions had a reason described in the patient record. Furthermore, 8.44% (210/2487), 14.19% (424/2989), and 12% (81/675) of the prescriptions in internal medicine, surgery, and ICU had a recorded indication, respectively. The review and stop date recorded for antimicrobial therapy was 43.73% (1976/4518). Of the patients, 38.07% (1438/3777) received combination therapy. The classes of antimicrobials prescribed were limited, and the proportion of prescriptions encompassed by the top 20 antimicrobial agents was 75.06% (4617/6151). The prevalence of antimicrobial use in China is close to that of Sweden, the UK, and Canada, but lower than that in India, and higher than that in Switzerland. The data described in this report indicate that the quality of antimicrobial prescriptions requires improvement in China. Further, hospitals should implement professional interventions to improve the rational use of antimicrobials.


the Key research and development program of Zhejiang province


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Pharmacology (medical),Infectious Diseases,Microbiology (medical),Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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