Identification of lymphocyte cell-specific protein-tyrosine kinase (LCK) as a driver for invasion and migration of oral cancer by tumor heterogeneity exploitation


Weiße Jonas,Rosemann Julia,Müller Lisa,Kappler Matthias,Eckert Alexander W.,Glaß Markus,Misiak Danny,Hüttelmaier Stefan,Ballhausen Wolfgang G.,Hatzfeld Mechthild,Haemmerle Monika,Gutschner TonyORCID


Abstract Background Cancer metastases are the main cause of lethality. The five-year survival rate for patients diagnosed with advanced stage oral cancer is 30%. Hence, the identification of novel therapeutic targets is an urgent need. However, tumors are comprised of a heterogeneous collection of cells with distinct genetic and molecular profiles that can differentially promote metastasis making therapy development a challenging task. Here, we leveraged intratumoral heterogeneity in order to identify drivers of cancer cell motility that might be druggable targets for anti-metastasis therapy. Methods We used 2D migration and 3D matrigel-based invasion assays to characterize the invasive heterogeneity among and within four human oral cancer cell lines in vitro. Subsequently, we applied mRNA-sequencing to map the transcriptomes of poorly and strongly invasive subclones as well as primary tumors and matched metastasis. Results We identified SAS cells as a highly invasive oral cancer cell line. Clonal analysis of SAS yielded a panel of 20 subclones with different invasive capacities. Integrative gene expression analysis identified the Lymphocyte cell-specific protein-tyrosine kinase (LCK) as a druggable target gene associated with cancer cell invasion and metastasis. Inhibition of LCK using A-770041 or dasatinib blocked invasion of highly aggressive SAS cells. Interestingly, reduction of LCK activity increased the formation of adherens junctions and induced cell differentiation. Conclusion Analysis of invasive heterogeneity led to the discovery of LCK as an important regulator of motility in oral cancer cells. Hence, small molecule mediated inhibition of LCK could be a promising anti-metastasis therapy option for oral cancer patients.


Intramural Funding from the Medical Faculty

Open Access Publication Fund of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cancer Research,Oncology,Molecular Medicine







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