Genome-wide SNP data unveils the globalization of domesticated pigs


Yang Bin,Cui Leilei,Perez-Enciso Miguel,Traspov Aleksei,Crooijmans Richard P. M. A.,Zinovieva Natalia,Schook Lawrence B.,Archibald Alan,Gatphayak Kesinee,Knorr Christophe,Triantafyllidis Alex,Alexandri Panoraia,Semiadi Gono,Hanotte Olivier,Dias Deodália,Dovč Peter,Uimari Pekka,Iacolina Laura,Scandura Massimo,Groenen Martien A. M.,Huang Lusheng,Megens Hendrik-JanORCID


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

National Production Technology System for the Pig Industry in China

Outstanding Talents and Innovation Team of Agricultural Science

Ministry of Economy and Science, Spain


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Genetics,Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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