An empirical model of the Earth's horizontal wind fields: HWM07


Drob D. P.1,Emmert J. T.1,Crowley G.2,Picone J. M.1,Shepherd G. G.3,Skinner W.4,Hays P.4,Niciejewski R. J.4,Larsen M.5,She C. Y.6,Meriwether J. W.5,Hernandez G.7,Jarvis M. J.8,Sipler D. P.9,Tepley C. A.10,O'Brien M. S.11,Bowman J. R.11,Wu Q.12,Murayama Y.13,Kawamura S.13,Reid I. M.14,Vincent R. A.14


1. Space Science Division; Naval Research Laboratory; Washington District of Columbia USA

2. Atmospheric and Space Technology Research Associates; San Antonio Texas USA

3. Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science; York University; Toronto Ontario Canada

4. Space Physics Research Laboratory, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, College of Engineering; University of Michigan; Ann Arbor Michigan USA

5. Department of Physics and Astronomy; Clemson University; Clemson South Carolina USA

6. Physics Department; Colorado State University; Fort Collins Colorado USA

7. Department of Earth and Space Sciences; University of Washington; Seattle Washington USA

8. British Antarctic Survey; Cambridge UK

9. Haystack Observatory; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Westford Massachusetts USA

10. Arecibo Observatory; Cornell University; Arecibo Puerto Rico

11. Science Applications International Corporation; San Diego California USA

12. High Altitude Observatory; National Center for Atmospheric Research; Boulder Colorado USA

13. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology; Tokyo Japan

14. School of Chemistry and Physics; University of Adelaide; Adelaide, South Australia Australia


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Paleontology,Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Atmospheric Science,Earth-Surface Processes,Geochemistry and Petrology,Soil Science,Water Science and Technology,Ecology,Aquatic Science,Forestry,Oceanography,Geophysics

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