Characteristics of the metabolite complex produced L.reuteri LR1


Begunova Anna Vasilevna1ORCID,Zhizhin Nikolay Anatolevich1ORCID


1. All-Russian Dairy Research Institute


Introduction: Lactic acid microorganisms have valuable biotechnological and probiotic properties. Probiotic properties are often mediated by biologically active metabolites produced by these microorganisms. The ability of lactic acid microorganisms to produce biologically active compounds has received special attention in recent years, as their positive effect on the human body has been determined. However, there is a huge knowledge gap regarding the composition of metabolite complexes that requires study to ensure their safe use.Purpose: The current study of the metabolite complex produced by L. reuteri LR1, obtained by cultivating the strain in the MRS broth nutrient medium at a temperature of (37±1)ºС for 24 hours.Materials and Methods: The object of research was a cell-free supernatant (metabolite complex) obtained by cultivating the Lactobacillus reuteri LR1 strain from the collection of the Federal State Scientific Institution “VNIMI”. The antimicrobial activity of MK L. reuteri LR1 against E. coli ATCC 25922, S. aureus ATCC 6538, S. typhimurium ATCC 14028 was determined by the agar diffusion method. The antioxidant activity of the samples was determined using the ORAC fluorescence method. The content of organic and amino acids in LA was determined by capillary electrophoresis. Identification of secondary metabolites present in MK was carried out using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).Results: The biological activity of MK produced by L. reuteri LR1 was determined. The composition of the cell-free metabolite complex secreted by L.reuteri LR1 during cultivation in the MRS broth nutrient medium at a temperature of 37°C for 24 hours was characterized. The presence of amino acids and organic acids in LA was confirmed and their content was determined. In addition, secondary metabolites present in MK have been identified, some of them have confirmed biological activity.Conclusion: The results obtained may be useful for predicting the probiotic potential of MK, however, it is necessary to determine the likely correlation between the composition of MK and its beneficial properties, which will allow us to identify new possibilities for the use of MK produced by probiotic microorganisms.


All-Russian Dairy Research Institute

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