Minireview: Role of genetic changes of faciogenital dysplasia protein 1 in human disease


Pedigo Nancy G.1,Van Delden Danielle1,Walters Laura1,Farrell Christopher L.1


1. Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences, Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, Clinton, South Carolina


The FGD1 gene encodes for a guanine exchange factor (GEF) protein that specifically activates the Rho GTPase Cdc42. For cellular migration, Cdc42 is a key molecular switch that regulates cytoskeleton restructuring, gene transcription, cellular morphology, extension, and cell adhesion. In the past decade, germline mutations in the FGD1 gene have been associated with a rare X-linked disorder known as faciogenital dysplasia (FGDY). Malformations are consistent with a loss of cellular migration during embryonic development. Insertion and deletion mutations in FGD1 result in a frameshift causing inactivation of fgd1 protein. Since Cdc42 is a key molecular switch in cytoskeletal restructuring and cell adhesion, the loss of fgd1 is postulated to attenuate Cdc42-mediated cellular migration in embryonic development. In metastatic tumors, Cdc42 modulates migration and invasiveness. Fgd1 overexpression has been found in infiltrating and poorly differentiated breast and invasive prostate tumors. Amplification at Xp11.21, the FGD1 gene locus, has been reported in several cancers. Sequencing analyses in numerous types of cancer have found missense mutations in the FGD1 gene in metastatic tumors. FGDY and cancer studies suggest that the germline and somatic changes downregulate or upregulate the FGD1 gene playing a key role in the development of diseases.


American Physiological Society



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