Parametric analysis of gastric distension responses in the parabrachial nucleus


Baird John-Paul1,Travers Joseph B.1,Travers Susan P.1


1. Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210


The parabrachial nucleus (PBN) is regarded as an important locus for the processing and integration of sensory inputs from oral, gastrointestinal, and postabsorptive receptor sites and is thus thought to play an important role in regulating food intake. Gastric distension is an important satiation cue; however, such responses have been qualitatively characterized only over a limited area of the PBN. To more fully characterize gastric distension responses throughout the PBN, the responses of single units to gastric distension were tested using computer-controlled balloon inflation (3–18 ml air) in pentobarbital sodium- and/or urethan-anesthetized male rats. Distension-responsive neurons were indeed distributed throughout the nucleus from rostral areas typically considered to be visceral to more caudal areas associated with gustatory function, providing further anatomical support for the hypothesis that the PBN integrates taste and visceral signals that control feeding. Most PBN neurons had thresholds of 6 ml or less, similar to vagal afferent fibers. However, in contrast to the periphery, there were both excitatory and inhibitory responses. Increases in volume were associated with two distinct effects. First, as volume increased, the response rate increased; second, the duration of the response increased. In fact, in a subset of cells, responses to gastric distension lasted well beyond the stimulation period, particularly at larger volumes. Prolonged gastric distension responses are not common in the periphery and may constitute a central mechanism that contributes to satiation processes.


American Physiological Society


Physiology (medical),Physiology







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