Vestibular nucleus neurons respond to hindlimb movement in the decerebrate cat


Arshian Milad S.12,Hobson Candace E.1,Catanzaro Michael F.13,Miller Daniel J.1,Puterbaugh Sonya R.1,Cotter Lucy A.1,Yates Bill J.13,McCall Andrew A.1


1. Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;

2. Midwestern University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Chicago, Illinois

3. Department of Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and


The vestibular nuclei integrate information from vestibular and proprioceptive afferents, which presumably facilitates the maintenance of stable balance and posture. However, little is currently known about the processing of sensory signals from the limbs by vestibular nucleus neurons. This study tested the hypothesis that limb movement is encoded by vestibular nucleus neurons and described the changes in activity of these neurons elicited by limb extension and flexion. In decerebrate cats, we recorded the activity of 70 vestibular nucleus neurons whose activity was modulated by limb movements. Most of these neurons (57/70, 81.4%) encoded information about the direction of hindlimb movement, while the remaining neurons (13/70, 18.6%) encoded the presence of hindlimb movement without signaling the direction of movement. The activity of many vestibular nucleus neurons that responded to limb movement was also modulated by rotating the animal's body in vertical planes, suggesting that the neurons integrated hindlimb and labyrinthine inputs. Neurons whose firing rate increased during ipsilateral ear-down roll rotations tended to be excited by hindlimb flexion, whereas neurons whose firing rate increased during contralateral ear-down tilts were excited by hindlimb extension. These observations suggest that there is a purposeful mapping of hindlimb inputs onto vestibular nucleus neurons, such that integration of hindlimb and labyrinthine inputs to the neurons is functionally relevant.


American Physiological Society


Physiology,General Neuroscience







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