Renal blood flow and oxygenation drive nephron progenitor differentiation


Rymer Christopher12,Paredes Jose13,Halt Kimmo4,Schaefer Caitlin12,Wiersch John13,Zhang Guangfeng13,Potoka Douglas13,Vainio Seppo4,Gittes George K.13,Bates Carlton M.12,Sims-Lucas Sunder12


1. Rangos Research Center, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;

2. Division of Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;

3. Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and Rangos Research Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and

4. The Centre of Excellence in Cell-Extracellular Matrix Research, Oulu, Finland


During kidney development, the vasculature develops via both angiogenesis (branching from major vessels) and vasculogenesis (de novo vessel formation). The formation and perfusion of renal blood vessels are vastly understudied. In the present study, we investigated the regulatory role of renal blood flow and O2 concentration on nephron progenitor differentiation during ontogeny. To elucidate the presence of blood flow, ultrasound-guided intracardiac microinjection was performed, and FITC-tagged tomato lectin was perfused through the embryo. Kidneys were costained for the vasculature, ureteric epithelium, nephron progenitors, and nephron structures. We also analyzed nephron differentiation in normoxia compared with hypoxia. At embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5), the major vascular branches were perfused; however, smaller-caliber peripheral vessels remained unperfused. By E15.5, peripheral vessels started to be perfused as well as glomeruli. While the interior kidney vessels were perfused, the peripheral vessels (nephrogenic zone) remained unperfused. Directly adjacent and internal to the nephrogenic zone, we found differentiated nephron structures surrounded and infiltrated by perfused vessels. Furthermore, we determined that at low O2 concentration, little nephron progenitor differentiation was observed; at higher O2 concentrations, more differentiation of the nephron progenitors was induced. The formation of the developing renal vessels occurs before the onset of blood flow. Furthermore, renal blood flow and oxygenation are critical for nephron progenitor differentiation.


American Physiological Society









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