Analysis of precipitation in the Danube Lowland (Slovakia) in 1921–2020


Kišš Vladimír1,Čimo Ján2,Tárník Andrej2,Pagáč Jakub1


1. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra , Research Centre Agrobiotech , Slovak Republic

2. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra , Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering , Slovak Republic


Abstract Climate change is increasingly occurring not only in Slovakia and Europe, but worldwide. One of the consequences is frequent droughts alternating with extreme rainfall. Drought, especially in the spring months, causes water shortages in the soil and limited crop growth. Extreme rainfall causes frequent floods and destroys crops and property. The aim of this work was to statistically evaluate precipitation during January–December for the period 1921–2020 in the most fertile part of Slovakia – the Danube Lowland. The results show a statistically significant (p <0.10) decrease in precipitation in April and an increase in September, with the annual total precipitation from 535 to 600 mm (except for extremes in some years). The work provides a statistical analysis of changes and rainfall distributions over 100 years, which can help identify and address drought problems.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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