On Defining Artificial Intelligence


Wang Pei1


1. Department of Computer and Information Sciences , Temple University , 1925 North 12th Street, Philadelphia , PA 19122-1801 , USA


Abstract This article systematically analyzes the problem of defining “artificial intelligence.” It starts by pointing out that a definition influences the path of the research, then establishes four criteria of a good working definition of a notion: being similar to its common usage, drawing a sharp boundary, leading to fruitful research, and as simple as possible. According to these criteria, the representative definitions in the field are analyzed. A new definition is proposed, according to it intelligence means “adaptation with insufficient knowledge and resources.” The implications of this definition are discussed, and it is compared with the other definitions. It is claimed that this definition sheds light on the solution of many existing problems and sets a sound foundation for the field.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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